Michael L. Douglas Mysteries 2.0

This month, a little over one year ago, I moved my main blog to the Micro(dot)blog indie web platform. Its creator Manton Reece and his philosophy drew me into its ecosystem. I can honestly say that the move has definitely made blogging much easier, with much less friction, and the upshot? The site is a thriving one … in my mind, anyway.

This blog – disguised as an author site – during the same period last year, spent the entire time languishing on an expensive host (SiteGround) with a clunky, yet feature-rich platform (Wordpress) which made for a less than user-friendly experience. Only four posts on the site last year confirmed my lack of enthusiasm for its upkeep. (Sigh.)

Well, I’ve decided to move my “author site” over to Manton’s platform today, a little over a year that Doctor Pundit made the transition, and I am excited to do so. Hopefully, the site will be much more than a static presence on the interwebs.

    An Independent Website Via [ Micro.blog ]
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